Family History

Welcome to Pigeon Creek Bed and Breakfast in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Our homestead has been in our family for over 150 years. I come from a long lineage of farmers. This area in Windsor Township, of Berks County, was known as "Schappell's Dale" because nearly every generation of Schappells produced quite a few children, many of whom had farms in Windsor and Perry Township. My parents, George and Betty Schappell married in 1945 and bought the farm from his parents, Issac and Stella Schappell (Farmer and Cattle Dealer) in 1947. My parents raised 3 children here and farmed 50 acres of various crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, corn, grains and hay. Cows were kept for milk and butter, chickens kept for eggs that were sold locally and sent to grocery stores, and pigs and steers bred for butcher. Their days started early and were full of hardwork. My mother canned peaches, red beets, chow chow and even ketchup. She was a great cook and baker. We had a great childhood and were taught good work habits. Our home was a busy place with family visiting often. We, Rick and Lennia Kauffman, hope you will find your stay here welcoming, as my parents welcomed others in years past!